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The Association Arte in Cascina has the purpose of promotion and development in the field of culture, art and creativity and in the promotion in favor of artists and creative people in general. In particular, the Association promoted cultural activities regarding Land Art and exhibitions of artists within the farmsteads placed outside urban territory. The first project realized by the Association is - "Art and Food in Cascina " - developed in the agricultural structures and farms around Milan, Italy.

The positive outcome of the project carried out in 2014 pushed to work on even more ambitious projects. The Association is now organizing the event "Land Art in Cascina - Art from Nature" dedicated to Land Art as part of the cultural program of the Civil Society Pavilion at Expo 2015 in Cascina Triulza .



International Call for Artists

International Call for Artists for the creation of a Lad Art work to be displayed in the courtyard of Cascina Triulza-Civil Society Pavilon at Expo Milano 2015 and of 4 more works to be installed in major naturalistic Parks of the area.

Scope of the Call.

Through this international Call, Fondazione Triulza and Arte in Cascina seek artists from all countries and of all ages who are active in the development of Land Art works and their installation in nature.

The objective of the Call is the selection of a Land Art or Nature Art work to be installed in the exterior area of the Civil Society Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015; the purpose of the work is to visually illustrate the intermingling of art and nature through an artistic creation. The selected artwork – “Cascina Triulza Winner” - should be iconographic and representative of the Expo Milano 2015 theme, of the way it is interpreted by the Civil Society Pavilion-Cascina Triulza and of the concept of Land Art. Four additional Land Art work projects – referred to as “Park Awards” – will be selected and installed by the selected artists in major naturalistic Parks of the area. 

The “Vincitore Cascina Triulza” Land Art work will be placed in the courtyard of the Civil Society Pavilion-Cascina Triulza at Expo Milano 2015, in the space called “Frutteto” (Orchard), next to the picnic area (see map in the attached documents).

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The Call is addressed to professional and amateur artists and to students of fine arts, architecture and other artistic disciplines, Italian or foreign, aged 18 and over.  Group participation is allowed (max 4 participants each). 















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Documents required
To submit their entries, the participating artists must transmit the following documents via email in digital format:

- original Application form (attached to the Call) with an attached photocopy of the ID document;

- word file containing a short biography of the artist and listing his/her main exhibitions and/or works, if any; 

- word file (.doc) containing a description of the Land Art work project;

- up to 10 images.


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Execution of the “Vincitore Cascina Triulza” project

The winning artist or group of artists selected by the committee shall:

- install the artwork in the exterior area of the Civil Society Pavilion, Cascina Triulza at Expo 2015, visible by all and communicated through the official channels;

- be awarded a prize in cash of € 500,00;

- see their project communicated to the press offices of the Pavilion and of the partners;

- participate in a project inauguration and award ceremony during Expo, at the Civil Society Pavilion;

- see their artwork published in the Green Planner 2016 Diary.

Execution of the “Premi Parco” projects

The 4 selected “Premi Parco” artworks will be installed, also under the auspices of Fondazione Triulza and of Arte in Cascina, in the following Parks of naturalistic interest in the vicinity of the Expo site:

Bosco WWF of Vanzago;
Bosco in città, Milan;
Parco del Ticino e Lago Maggiore;
Parco di Monza School of Agriculture.